Monday, November 12, 2012

Munchy Sandwhich

I had a thought.


Monday, November 5, 2012


The Girraffifant is haunting me....watching my every move when i do word searches  puzzles in spanish class. if i do not finish before the bell rings i will be CURSED. wait....but i didnt finish the one we had;

I Need A Mirror.....Wait...Nope, Im Afraid Of That Too.


Thanks Doctor Who, for adding that one clip at the end of "Blink." It so happens I own a gargoyle. Now I need a mirror to put in front of it....wait, but then if I see something move I know that The Family is watching me.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Schoolwork Just cause'

Jonah Clark                                                                                                     9/13/12
Period #2                                                                                                         Classwork
                        How Do Archaeologists Learn About Prehistoric 
                                                 People And Events?

Archaeologists learn about prehistoric people and events . They examine artifacts very closely to see any small cuts or details  that might have been caused by something physically. Some fossils may have certain markings that indicate that the person or creature was was stabbed, like large breaks or cuts that seem like a marking a spear tip would make. The detail in pots and other pottery can tell if the people were craftsmen or spiritual. (Like if the markings are fancy and/or in-depth, then they were talented in art. If there are carvings of gods, they were most likely spiritual.) If there are many fossils  and old weapons in one place, archaeologists can assume there was a battle in that area. Archaeologists can also look at ancient tablets or tapestries and tell a story by looking at the markings or drawings.
Those are some examples of how archaeologists learn about ancient people and events!

I did lame, right?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Beard Monster That Ripped Through Reality

There was a great utopia of beard monsters. beard monsters were spud(potato)-shaped creature with scrawny arms and legs and big, shaggy, pointy beard mounted on there face. Said face includes no nose (but maybe some holes for nostrils), 2 eyes that usually come in different shapes and sizes, and fair-sized mouths with pointy-ish teeth in them. One day the king of this great utopia decided to take a stroll during midnight. He walked and walked, forgetting about the stresses in life, and most importantly, about time! Days and nights  flew bye until 56,79,542,345,542,346 nights later, on another midnight during a slightly but not completely full moon, the king of the beard monsters reached the edge of the strange land and found himself in a daze. He realized how hungry he was and how tired. he was about to take a nap when he realized there was a large sheet of blank paper in front of him. "That's strange," he thought, "I've never seen this at the edge of the city before!" But it was not the edge of the city, in fact, it was 12,334,524,345,667,343,546,755,443 miles away! (Of course, that's only an estimate.) The paper seemed to be endless. it went up forever, and stretched across the land forever! The strange little beard monster decided to see what was on the other side, so he ripped a hole in the endless blank paper. All of a sudden, the king of beards was in a bright blue sky above an island with submarines circling around it. He was so very confused! It appeared that he had ripped through the sky in another land...or dimension..or universe even! The beard monster went back into his side, and everything was the same except for a hole in the piece of paper. The hole was not higher up, and the paper was still blank. The monster goes back through. he's in the sky. He goes back to his world. The hole is on the ground. He looks through the hole and sees an island with submarines. He turns around and sees a dark gloomy landscape he recognizes as his land. The king decided to climb in the hole again. He craned his neck to get a better look at his surroundings, he was in the sky. Not a painting of the sky. But a! The beard monster looked downs to see the ocean with many fishes and a submarine. An alien came out of the sub in a wetsuit and dove into the water. he swam below the monster and did not hit any paper, nor wall. he just kept swimming! 
Pretty much what I'm trying to say is ONCE UPON A TIME a beard monster found a large sheet of paper and ripped a hole in it. All of a sudden he was in a hole in the SKY that was in another realm. The sky was a real sky, no paper or paint or anything.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Note: This might become a a weird animation, but in the meantime I have to practice my dalek voice.
Other Note: This contains slight spoilers. If have not seen the episode "Dalek" or have not seen daleks before, this may ruin all the fun. (Maybe.)

FINAL NOTE: If you are not familiar with Doctor Who, please leave now!


*akward silence*
Dalek 1: Hey...I've got one!
Dalek 2: What is it, dalek #2536731ABC
Dalek 1: What did the Mighty Jagrafess say to the huumaan?
Dalek 2: What.
Dalek 1: Nice...To...EAT..YOU!!!!!!
Dalek 2: Knock Knock
Dalek 1: Who is there
Dalek 2: ... TIMELOORD!!!!!
Dalek 1: Timelord who?
*The doctor walks up behind dalek 1 and uses his sonic screwdriver, causing the head to fly off in a spectacular explosion*


Dalek 1: I don't get it...

Possessed Dry Erase Board

Today I was in math class adding fractions with different denominators  from a worksheet. There wasn't room on the worksheet to do the equation, so we had to use dry erase boards. I drew an orange face on the board to encourage me and make me happy all through class. I was doing a problem when I noticed the face was yellow and it's smile had turned into an "bored" face, like this: :-|
I was utterly confused and thought that the student next to me had done it, but they only had a blue and pink dry-erase marker. I looked back at the face to see that it turned into a green sad face. I got really scared and was about to tell the teacher when the face all of a sudden faded to a red angry face with devil horns and then into a black blob with tiny white eyes and an oval shaped mouth full of teeth! All of a sudden tentacles of darkness shot out of the board and flailed around the classroom. There were papers flying around and desks toppling over, but everyone kept working and the teacher kept teaching. I thought it was odd but then noticed something odder...
everyone's faces had a black-ish taint, and they all had small, white eyes, and large oval mouths filled with sharp teeth.......

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hey look, this has a title!

Caps is fixed thanks to a computer update that deleted a post I was writing. This one has a title! Titles can save the world.
I know that none of this posts are silly and most of them are serious, but i'll post again as soon as i get an idea...
I hope one of you dedicated friends out there still checks this blog when you are able too. If so, thank you and good job!! I am currently using shift to cancel out the caps lock.
The giant math monster known as multiplication is going to kill me :'(
Hopefully I will survive the attack with the power of finger counting!!
Sorry I haven't been posting :'(
School is boring and takes too long. I miss summer and all it's friendly faces (you know who you are!) Luckily I know someone who said they will rescue me from school during math class! Yaay!  Hm... I hope we're not doing fractions or angles when that happens...

Saturday, July 21, 2012


>            OUCH          >

Quote Of The Day

The quote of the day is:

Word Of The Day

The word of the day today is....HARE!
hare |he(ə)r|nouna fast-running, long-eared mammal that resembles a large rabbit, having long hind legs and occurring typically in grassland or open woodland. • Lepus and other genera, family Leporidae: several species.
Hares aren't rabbits?!?!?!?!?!

The TeddyBear Knights

The teddybear knights are teddybears that fight the forces of evil. They have no armor except shields. Some have hats with plumes in them and they all carry space swords. Some of the knights are actually witches, wizards, and necromancers.
The teddybear king has a golden breastplate and a ruby crown with an inscription reading: as long as I live, I will lead the teddybear knights into battle and become victorious. If any of my beloved knights, my dear friends, get harmed, may my stuffing be ripped out and spread across the land.

Turns out one of his knights got harmed.

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Shopping List

Pixie Cereal
Magic Oatmeal
Cactus Juice
No (yuck, only for the cats)
Assorted Top hats
'Sup 'sup soup
A Flying-bison
Yes (15% off on tuesday)


What time is it? That's right! STORY TIME!!!! AGAIN!!!!

Once upon a time, a yellow car...wait...scratch that. A red car was driving down the road when all of a sudden a bird hit the windshield and splattered all over into mushy yellow stuff and sticky layers of yellow material.
The driver jumped out the car and turned into a fish because of a witch.
All of a sudden the witch turned into a bent yellow oval with a stem.
Later, in Africa Antartica, all it's animals turned into bananas *dun dun dun*


Quote Of The Day

The quote of the day is:
"When in doubt, shoot everything." (only if you're a certified wizard in the woods looking for a chicken-wing hidden in a bush, of coarse)
-Jonah R. Clark

Word Of The Day

The word of the day today is....SPONTANEOUS!
spontaneous |spänˈtānēəs|adjectiveperformed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus the audience broke into spontaneous applausea spontaneous display of affection

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Literal Squids

"la-la laaa walking down the street!"
all of a sudden, a squid burst out of the earth crying: "I'm a giant squid! LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!"
"oh noooo gram-gram got squished by the squidy!"
"I'll save you!" said the doctor.
All of a sudden, the fancy blue box on the corner of the road was exploded by the squid's giant tentacle.
The doctor baked some cookies and the teddybear knights were eaten alive. The teddybear king was ripped open and his stuffing was spread all around. Meanwhile, {your name goes here} played pikachu and the squid got mad because pikachu was totally going to beat his squirtle. The doctor gave the cookies to me but soon realized his magic blue box was exploded. Luckily Sokka was there to poke the squid and get smashed into oblivion. In the end, the earth got set on fire and everyone died.

Did you like my story?

The Sea-bear! :O

Today I encountered oxygen. Well duh, obviously. But anyway, the sea-bear approaches! Quick! Get into my safety circle!

Did you put your curser or whatever it's called in the circle?



Ponderous Octopus Thoughts

Octopi. That's right. But why them? Why was a squishy thing with tentacles that can go through any small area put on earth? Or is that a squid..
anyway cuttlefish are amazing. They're so fascinating and cool. They whip out  grabby tentacle things from underneath themselves and pull in fish in half a second. Also, they express their emotions by
CHANGING COLOR! I mean that's just plain colorful.
Do you disagree? If so go sit in a hole and never come out unless you change your mind.

Quote Of The Day

Quote of the day is:
"Run awaaaaayy from the hokey-pokey!"
-Jonah R. Clark

Pixie Cereal

I had a very in-depth conversation today about pixies and cereal.
Part of it was this:
"Pixie cereal! Now with real pixies!
When you open the box all the pixies fly out screaming and you have to shoot them down with a squirt-gun filled with milk!"
Die pixies! Get into my mouth!
or something like that.

Cereal, anyone?

Word Of The Day

The of the day today is.... FUN!
fun |fən|nounenjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure the children were having fun in the play area anyone who turns up can join in the fun.Or in otherwords...F IS FOR FRIENDS THAT DO STUFF TOGETHER!U IS FOR URANIUM, BOMBS!N IS FOR NOSE-PICKING, SHARING GUM AND SAND LICKING!DOWN HERE IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA!!!!!!!!!!